ICT Development Index and Disciplines on E-Commerce at the WTO
In 2017, at the World Trade Organization, members have had several exchanges on the issue of E-Commerce and disciplines in this regard. In 1998, members had agreed to a Work Programme on E-Commerce that included various areas that could be explored including interalia having a Development Component as a separate sub-heading. With 4th industrial revolution and the rapid rise of technology it is without doubt that the importance of E-Commerce in the retail sector in relation to trade is significant. However, in relation to the development on rules on E-Commerce, there needs to be further discussions held in relation to its definition and scope and also whether disciplines on E-Commerce would contribute to global welfare gains or rather impede policy space for development by developing countries. The E-Commerce in relation to the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) can to an extent be discussed under mode 1 commitments of countries under cross-border supply. However, for...
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